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The Truth About Three Food Products with Conflicting Opinions

Reading Time: 3 min

The food we eat has a direct impact on our health. It can either help us live longer by boosting our immune system, enhancing blood circulation, and improving the overall functioning of our vital organs, or it can make us ill and shorten our lifespan. Following an unhealthy diet over time can lead to serious medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, and even cancer. That’s why it’s crucial to make healthy food choices. However, to make the right dietary choices and still enjoy life, we need accurate information. This is why, in my previous post titled “Four Foods Believed to Cause Cancer But Don’t” I discussed four food products that are thought to be carcinogenic but lack scientific evidence to support that claim. Today, I want to highlight three major food products that leave us uncertain due to conflicting opinions about their effects on health. Keep reading to find out more.

Note: I am not a medical expert, and this article has not been subjected to scientific research or medical review.


We choose margarine over butter for two main reasons: affordability and health. Margarine’s lower cost makes it a favored choice and health-conscious individuals avoid butter due to its saturated fat content. Yet, some consumers claim margarine is unhealthy also. The crux of the matter is this: margarine was considered unhealthy primarily due to its trans-fat content. However, a solution exists according to Registered Nutritionist Nilushi Mudalige who has spoken to Daily Mirror. Opt for margarine with minimal trans-fats, such as margarine made from canola, sunflower, or olive oil. Differentiating between healthy and unhealthy margarine is tied to the type of vegetable oil used. An easy test involves refrigerating the margarine. Softness signifies a healthier option while hardness indicates more unhealthy fats, upping bad cholesterol, and cardiovascular risk – She adds further.


You might know about Ajinomoto, a seasoning agent that enhances taste, but you might not be familiar with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). Ajinomoto and MSG are the same product. Ajinomoto was a popular consumer product in Sri Lanka until the government decided in June 2015 to regulate the import of MSG due to its negative effects on kidneys. While it’s accurate that MSG or Ajinomoto can have harmful impacts on our kidneys, that’s not the whole truth. Dr. Janaki Gooneratne, the former president of the Sri Lanka Nutrition Society, stated to The Sunday Times that a pinch of MSG can’t damage your kidneys. The issue lies with certain restaurants using excessive amounts of it in their food preparation. Therefore, if you wish to continue using Ajinomoto in your food the solution is straightforward. Use Ajinomoto sparingly at home and avoid dining at places that might be overusing the product.


Avocados contain a significant number of calories and fat, leading some individuals to believe that they might lead to weight gain. However, research has indicated that avocados are unlikely to be a cause of weight gain and might even aid in weight loss. A study discovered that individuals who incorporated one avocado into their daily diet over six months maintained a consistent body weight, despite consuming more calories overall. The reason behind avocados not causing weight gain likely lies in their high fiber and beneficial fat content. Fiber promotes a sensation of fullness, potentially leading to reduced overall food intake. The healthy fats in avocados can enhance metabolism and decrease inflammation, both of which are factors contributing to weight loss. It’s essential to note that avocados are still calorie-dense, so consuming them in moderation is crucial. If you’re aiming to shed weight, including avocados in your diet can be a nourishing and gratifying choice.

Wrap Up

To summarize, our dietary decisions profoundly affect our health, either bolstering well-being or fostering illness. Opting for informed, health-conscious choices is imperative, as poor eating habits contribute to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Today, I discussed three disputed foods: Margarine, if made from oils like canola, sunflower, or olive, is a cost-effective and healthier choice due to its lower trans-fat content. Ajinomoto, or MSG, poses kidney risks mainly through excessive restaurant use, making controlled home usage safer. Avocado’s high fiber and healthy fats potentially aid weight management by inducing fullness and boosting metabolism, emphasizing moderation. Informed decisions, rooted in accurate information, are essential for a balanced diet. I sincerely hope this post will assist you in making well-informed choices regarding your everyday diet.

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