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Think Twice Before Voting Once

Reading Time: 4 min

If you fail to vote wisely in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, you are surrendering your privilege and the opportunity to choose the direction of our nation for decades to come. Your vote will decide the future of your family, your freedom, your life and the direction of this country. If you vote unwisely, you have no right to criticise or complain when decisions are made, that impact the lives of your children and those you care about. This year, you’ve got the chance to correct past mistakes by electing the right candidate for President. So once you have carefully picked the political party closest to your convictions and principles, please make sure you choose a capable candidate to lead the coming generations. Many people, frustrated by corruption and unfulfilled promises, claim that none of the 225 parliamentarians are suitable for any office let alone the office of the President.

However, the reality is that we, the voters, are the ones who elected them to Parliament. The truth is that all 225 are not bad, there are some very respectable and capable ones too. Some vote for ones who are dishonest, racist, and criminals and then magically expect them to be good, truthful and full of integrity when they wear the national dress and go to Parliament. It’s like planting bitter gourd seeds and expecting nice tasty Mangoes. If you plant bitter gourd seeds, you will only get bitter gourd. If you want sweet Mangoes you have to plant good mango seeds. When we enrol our children in a school, we research to ensure that the school is good. However, we often don’t research candidates before electing someone to office. You get to use your precious vote only once, so you must think twice. Therefore let’s consider three questions to help determine who to vote for in this presidential election.

Is the Candidate Well Educated?

When considering a candidate, ask yourself if they have the necessary education to lead effectively. A well-educated leader can navigate complex issues, make informed decisions, and contribute meaningfully to discussions and policies that affect the nation. A candidate with a good education can engage in intellectual decision-making rather than just emotional outbursts. Leadership requires qualifications, and a solid educational background is a key component of visionary leadership. Also, a well-educated candidate is more likely to understand and prioritise the importance of a good education for our children. Prioritising education in our leaders ensures they can address the educational needs of future generations, fostering a society that values knowledge and growth. Therefore, ensure the candidate you support is well-educated and capable of leading with wisdom and insight.

Is He or She a Person of Integrity?

Is the person known as a big talker with no intention of fulfilling their promises? Is the candidate respected as a person of good moral standing, or are they known for loose morals? Does the candidate have a criminal record? When we are so careful not to hire a driver or a house worker with a criminal record, we should be even more cautious when placing someone in an office of power and influence, such as the Presidency. While I believe that people who make mistakes deserve a second chance, this should come after proper rehabilitation and a significant period to demonstrate genuine change. In essence, the candidate you choose should be someone with integrity and good moral character, someone who can be a positive role model for the younger generation. It’s crucial to ensure the person we elect is trustworthy and capable of fulfilling his responsibilities with honesty and commitment.

Is He or She a Racist or Hatemonger?

I am talking about prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed at someone of a different race, religion, or class based on the belief that you are superior to them. People who try to divide and rule are the ones who bring in racism and division. A racist person is weak, has a character flaw, and is extremely selfish. Racism and division cause hurt, discouragement, and depression, and eventually lead to war. Remember, no matter who you think wins the war, war is hell. We know this from experience, having endured a 30-year civil war as a nation. According to Wikipedia, government troops suffered 28,708 fatalities, 111,165 injuries, and 40,107 permanent disabilities. Additionally, 5,000 soldiers are missing in action. On the civilian side, 3,700 to 4,100 civilians of all ethnicities were killed in LTTE attacks, and 800,000 people were displaced at the peak of the conflict in 2001.

When the war finally ended in May 2009, it cost the country approximately $200 billion, according to India’s former National Security Adviser and Foreign Secretary, Shivshankar Menon. If a politician promotes racism and hate-mongering, know that they don’t care about you. They only care about themselves and use this destructive method for temporary personal gain. They will help destroy everyone you love and care for, for many generations to come. Whatever political party you belong to, please don’t vote for someone who tries to divide and rule for selfish ambition, as they bring ruination beyond measure. When you find someone who can take criticism, rejects cheap racism and division, and has a strong character to stand for what they believe in and what is good for others, you have found the right person. If you vote for the right candidate today, you and your children will succeed tomorrow.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, your vote carries immense power and responsibility. It shapes the future of our nation, and your family, for many generations to come. Think twice before voting once, ensuring you choose candidates with integrity, education, and a strong moral compass. Avoid those who promote racism, and division, or have a history of broken promises and criminal behaviour. Such individuals prioritize their selfish ambitions over the welfare of the community and nation, leading to widespread harm and suffering. Remember, we reap what we sow, and karma can be unforgiving. The choices we make today will have lasting effects, and our actions can come back to haunt us. The decisions we make now don’t just impact us—they will shape the future of our children and the generations that follow. If we make poor choices, our children, and grandchildren will be the ones who suffer the consequences.

By thinking twice before voting once, you can elect a President who is capable, honourable, and dedicated to the common good. Take the time to research and evaluate candidates thoroughly, just as you would make careful decisions in other aspects of your life. Your vote is not just a right but a duty to ensure a brighter, more equitable future. Your decision today will determine the success and well-being of tomorrow. Therefore think twice before voting once! If you want to check the background information of your candidate, the “Manthri.LK” website is a good place to start. Although the information available may not be fully comprehensive, it is still substantial enough to assist you in making an informed decision. The details provided can give you a solid foundation for evaluating the candidate’s qualifications, background, and potential fit for the role.

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