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The Attributes of a Pseudo Atheist

Reading Time: 3 min

The dictionary defines a pseudo-atheist as someone who claims not to believe in God but believes in Him unconsciously. In the context of this post, however, I would like to give the term an altogether different definition. A pseudo-atheist is an individual that pretends to be an atheist because he thinks atheism is a fashion statement or a label to draw attention to himself. How do you distinguish a pseudo from an authentic atheist? I want to share with you four attributes of a pseudo-atheist today.

Note: This post is not an endorsement nor a condemnation of atheism. It’s rather an expression of my observations.

He is ignorant & Arrogant

John Lennox to Richard Dawkins the author of “The God Delusion” says this: “…I want to address the old schoolboy question who designed the designer or who created the creator? I am actually very surprised to find it’s the central argument of your book…” (watch the video) Lennox calls it a Schoolboy question because it has been answered (watch the video) and it’s ignorant and arrogant by Dawkins to repeat the same question in his bestseller. (On the internet, you can find authoritative answers to any religious question you have. Consider the video below for an example) A pseudo-atheist is like Dawkins. He is ignorant and arrogant. It’s best to avoid conversations with such people.

I want to address the old school boy question who designed the designer or who created the creator? I am actually very surprised to find it’s the central argument of your book.

John Lennox to Richard Dawkins on The God Delusion
On the internet, you can find authoritative answers to any religious question you have.

He contradicts his Beliefs

In an interview with Ireland’s National Public Service Media when asked what he will say if he was confronted by God, Stephen Fry called God a capricious, mean-minded, selfish, stupid, utter maniac for supposedly creating a world full of injustice and pain (Video below). If I was Fry, I shall say “but there’s no God”. Simply that! Anything else I say will contradict my beliefs. How can a non-existent God supposedly create a world full of evil after all? A pseudo-atheist is like Stephen Fry. He contradicts his beliefs.

Stephen Fry calls God a capricious, mean-minded, selfish, stupid, utter maniac for supposedly creating a world full of injustice and pain.

He’s a non-religious Fanatic

Later in that interview, Fry defends his argument by saying, “Atheism isn’t just about not believing there is a God but assuming if there’s one what kind of God will he be?” In another interview with Jordan Peterson, he says he was just answering a question. Yes, but he didn’t have to be a “jerk” in other words a non-religious fanatic. Unfortunately, it’s just the way a pseudo-atheist is. He behaves fanatically when confronted because fanatic behaviour is the only way he knows how to defend his beliefs.

He’s a disrespectful Person

I like Penn Gillette for the gentleman he is. Although an atheist he treats people of other beliefs with respect. Richard Dawkins on the other hand once called a “creationist” he was debating an “idiot” and publicly urged the atheist community to mock the Eucharist! His behaviour has even his closest allies worrying that he’s doing more harm than good. [source: The Guardian] Dawkins is nothing more than a pseudo because atheists aren’t disrespectful. Anyone behaving disrespectfully while calling himself an atheist is a pseudo.

Wrap Up

I don’t have a problem with atheists, but I do have a problem with pseudo-atheists. After all, as atheists and theists, we can accept each other even if we don’t agree with one another. We can get along and coexist in peace regardless of our beliefs. The problem is the pseudo-atheist threatens all of that. He is an ignorant, self-contradicting, disrespectful fanatic. If you call yourself an atheist don’t be like him because it’s a disgrace to atheism and worse than a religious fanatic.

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